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[Domestic textile export enterprises open up new markets]
Release date:[2024/1/31] Read a total of[142]time

The textile market has a reputation for good three years, bad three years, can withstand loneliness, can sit on the bench, opportunities will appear.

Opportunity 1: Domestic textile export enterprises to open up new markets

In November 2023, China's textile and garment exports continued to stabilize, down 1.1% year-on-year, the decline narrowed significantly compared to previous months, up 3%. Exports to the United States rose for a third straight month. Exports of yarn and fabric to ASEAN ended a seven-month decline and turned positive for the first time since April this year, up 3.7% year-on-year. "Belt and Road" countries are still the main growth point of textile and garment exports.

In November 2023, exports to five Central Asian countries increased by more than 30% year-on-year, and exports to Africa also maintained a rise. Four categories of commodity yarns, fabrics, home textiles and needle-woven clothing exports increased for the fourth consecutive month this month, and the price decline of intermediate goods such as yarn and fabrics narrowed. From January to November data, cumulative exports were 268.56 billion US dollars, down 8.9% year-on-year, and the cumulative decline continued to narrow. Exports to Vietnam surpassed Japan in the first 11 months, making Vietnam the second largest single export market after the United States.

Opportunity two: Two weeks after the peak season

The sudden outbreak of the market years ago, so that many companies are happy and worried, the order is a good thing, but because of the close of the year, the dyeing factory stopped regardless of your order to do not finish, to the point on the stop, so that many companies can only delay the order to be made after the year, and so the textile people go back to work generally to the eighth day or so, From the gold three peak season is about two weeks time, can be said to be seamless.

And until all the workers arrive, that time is almost to the fifteenth day of the first month, by then, the market has been gradually hot, it can be found that many problems in 2024 are the continuation of the problem in 2023, but the crisis is organic, the problem also brings opportunities for development, how to seize these opportunities, is the key to the textile enterprises in the New Year.

The textile market has a reputation for good three years, bad three years, can withstand loneliness, can sit on the bench, opportunities will appear.

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